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Lea Marlene Actors Studio
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What Private Coaching Students Are Saying…

Within a week of working with Lea I booked off tape and will be working with Disney XD Awesomeness T.V. and will be a gameshow host. Heading back to where I LOVE to be. Hollywood! 
Gunnar Mitchel Smith
10 Years Old
The Meisner Technique and the past 2 years in this class have entirely changed my life; not just as an actor, but as a writer, filmmaker, and human. Lea and Meisner opened my eyes to the truth that acting is all about authenticity. This incredible work has allowed me to begin to live more intentionally on stage and in life, to trust my talent, to believe that I’m enough, to leave myself alone and be brave enough to allow the real to come through. I’ve never felt more present or fulfilled than I am on Lea’s stage and I can’t wait to share a little piece of this amazing work with the world. 
Alex Killian
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